LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Managing visitors numbers

Use a free online ticketing service to control visitor numbers, manage the flow of people during your event and improve communications with visitors.

Charg­ing for your event 

If you are charg­ing an admis­sion fee, or for cer­tain activ­i­ties, you can col­lect pay­ments through Try­Book­ing. Try­Book­ing has two fees for paid tick­ets — a 15p book­ing fee paid by each vis­i­tor at check out and a 5% ser­vice fee to cov­er the card trans­ac­tion which is tak­en off each tick­et sold — you can man­age bank trans­fers via your Try­Book­ing account too. All details are avail­able here: https://​www​.try​book​ing​.co​.uk/​p​r​icing.

Step by Step Instructions 

Down­load this PDF step by step’ guide to the Try­Book­ing website.
Please use this hero image’ to incor­po­rate into your Try­Book­ing event page. 


It doesn’t take long to set up, and both Try­Book­ing and the LEAF team are here to help at any point.

  • Con­tact Try­Book­ing on 0333 344 3477 if you have any ques­tions or need help set­ting up the tick­et­ing for your event
  • For any oth­er ques­tions about your Open Farm Sun­day event, please call the LEAF office on 024 7641 3911 or email us.

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