LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Meetings and top tips

Book to attend our face to face or online Zoom meetings and get more top tips for your OFS event.

Join us for top tips and support!

Whether you are a first-time farmer or an expe­ri­enced host who is open­ing the gates with Open Farm Sun­day, join us for a Zoom meet­ing to con­nect and bring inspi­ra­tion to your event. 

Online Zoom meet­ings:

    • Where to start! (plan­ning)
      An intro­duc­tion to Open Farm Sun­day and guid­ance on plan­ning your event. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Wednes­day 27th March
      @ 12:30 pm
      Fri­day 5th April
      @ 10:00 am
      Wednes­day 10th April @ 18:30 pm
    • Man­ag­ing vis­i­tors num­bers (tick­et­ing)
      Join us for this lunchtime meet­ing look­ing at man­ag­ing vis­i­tor num­bers at your Open Farm Sun­day (OFS) event. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Mon­day 11th March @ 12:30 pm
    • Our new OFS resources (sup­port)
      A look at the range of resources avail­able for you to pro­mote your Open Farm Sun­day (OFS) event, and to help share your farm­ing sto­ry on the day. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Thurs­day 18th April @ 12:30 pm
    • How best to pro­mote your event (mar­ket­ing)
      Join us for this evening meet­ing focussing on mar­ket­ing your Open Farm Sun­day (OFS) event. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Tues­day 30th April @ 18:30 pm
    • Inspir­ing your vis­i­tors (activ­i­ty ideas)
      Join us for this lunchtime meet­ing focussing on shar­ing your farm­ing sto­ry and some engag­ing activ­i­ty ideas for vis­i­tors to your Open Farm Sun­day (OFS) event. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Thurs­day 9th May @ 12:30 pm
    • Last-minute ques­tions and sup­port
      Join us for this evening meet­ing to answer any last-minute ques­tions on host­ing your Open Farm Sun­day (OFS) event. [30 minute pre­sen­ta­tion + 15 minute Q&A]
      Wednes­day 22nd May @ 18:30 pm

    Can’t wait? If want to talk through your Open Farm Sun­day event today, get in touch — all con­tact details are here.

    Share your support!

    Encour­age your farm­ing con­tacts, friends and net­works to get involved and join in the LOFS con­ver­sa­tions on social media:

    Top tips from our OFS Ambas­sadors:

    Rebec­ca Dawes — OFS Ambas­sador, Scotland 

    Nev­er be afraid to ask for help, it is such a reward­ing day for every­one involved. Your vet, local feed mer­chant, machin­ery deal­er, agron­o­mist or farm advi­sor could give a small talk about what they do and maybe bring a few props like ani­mal feed or wheat seed. A Farmer Ques­tion Time” always goes down well at our event, where local farm­ers each vol­un­teer to do a 15-minute slot to answer questions.”

    Anne Mair-Chap­man — OFS Ambas­sador, North East 

    Make your event fun, friend­ly and for­get the farm­ing jar­gon! After the year we’ve all had, your event needs to feel like a bit of light relief in the fresh air. An infor­mal intro­duc­tion as peo­ple arrive is some­times all it takes to get the ques­tions going — remem­ber your audi­ence and think of oth­er ways to describe the work you do, farm­ing terms are not always self-explanatory!”

    Rona Amiss — OFS Ambas­sador, South West 

    Get lots of help from neigh­bours, friends and any­one else you can think of! It makes it much more fun and every­one enjoys themselves.”

    Helen Chap­pell — OFS Ambas­sador, North West 

    This is the year to host! The pub­lic are want­i­ng to con­nect with farms and the envi­ron­ment — not just to learn about the farm­ing life but also for the health and well­be­ing ben­e­fits. The sup­port and guid­ance is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and the ambas­sadors are here to help. The gen­er­al pub­lic are just as appre­hen­sive as the farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty, but they too are deter­mined to embrace the new nor­mal, Covid safe way of doing things.”

    Andy Guy — OFS Ambas­sador, Midlands

    Plan ahead
    The most suc­cess­ful events are those where the hosts have planned for every even­tu­al­i­ty. Think about car park­ing, helpers and vol­un­teers, health and safe­ty, activ­i­ties for kids and fam­i­lies, pro­mo­tion and what you can do if it rains. If its all sort­ed before the big day you will have a stress-free event.

    On the day.
    Brief your helpers in advance so every­one knows what they are doing and what your vis­i­tors can see and do. Once the first vis­i­tors start to arrive all you need to do is acti­vate your plan and enjoy the day! If you’ve planned well and have con­tin­gen­cies for things like weath­er it should all go smoothly.

    After the event.
    Thank your helpers, tidy up and crack open a beer/​cup of tea and relax. Share mem­o­ries of the day with your helpers, update your Face­book page with some pho­tos and start think­ing about the next one!”

    If you would like to talk through your Open Farm Sun­day event ideas now, get in touch with a LOFS ambas­sador today — you can find the OFS team’s con­tact details here.

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