LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Activ­i­ty Ideas

Help­ing your vis­i­tors to under­stand where their food comes from and how it is pro­duced is so impor­tant. Our team at LEAF work with our spon­sors to ensure our host farm­ers have access to a range of free teach­ing resources about food and farming. 

We’ve pulled togeth­er our top ideas for activ­i­ties to engage your vis­i­tors at your event on Open Farm Sun­day. Also take a look at LEAF Farm Walks and Talks – engag­ing activ­i­ties to make them mem­o­rable with step by step instruc­tions to help make farm walks and talks mem­o­rable, fun and interactive. 

Inter­est­ed in Sci­ence and Tech­nol­o­gy and want to make this an event fea­ture? Click here for engag­ing ideas about how to get young peo­ple and the pub­lic involved! 

Lis­ten to our Activ­i­ty Ideas webi­nar below:

Find oth­er activ­i­ties in the cat­e­gories below:

Partner Activity Ideas

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