LEAF Speak Out: Difficult Questions
Here you can find some of the challenging questions that members of the public ask farmers. At Open Farm Sunday events, these questions are likely to be driven by genuine interest, with no hidden agenda, and by staying calm, positive and honest in your response, visitors will leave better informed and with a greater sense of trust in British Farming.
As with any difficult question or conversation, it may not be possible to reach an understanding or resolution, and you may have to agree to disagree. The trick is to stay calm and close the conversation in a polite and non-confrontational way. If it is dominating conversation at the cost of the experience of other visitors, you can offer to discuss it in more detail after the tour.
If you have a question that is not answered here and you would like help in wording a response, please email us. Equally if there is a question that you are always asked, please let us know the question and how you respond so we can share it with other host farmers.
See questions related to various topics.
General Q&A, Arable, Beef, Dairy, Environment, Pigs, Poultry, Sheep, Sporting/hunting
Supported by the Crop Protection Association
Difficult question topics:
How to deal with difficult questions |
How do you communicate about the weather, bad or good? |
Supported by:

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