LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

LEAF Speak Out: Difficult Questions

Here you can find some of the chal­leng­ing ques­tions that mem­bers of the pub­lic ask farm­ers. At Open Farm Sun­day events, these ques­tions are like­ly to be dri­ven by gen­uine inter­est, with no hid­den agen­da, and by stay­ing calm, pos­i­tive and hon­est in your response, vis­i­tors will leave bet­ter informed and with a greater sense of trust in British Farming. 

As with any dif­fi­cult ques­tion or con­ver­sa­tion, it may not be pos­si­ble to reach an under­stand­ing or res­o­lu­tion, and you may have to agree to dis­agree. The trick is to stay calm and close the con­ver­sa­tion in a polite and non-con­fronta­tion­al way. If it is dom­i­nat­ing con­ver­sa­tion at the cost of the expe­ri­ence of oth­er vis­i­tors, you can offer to dis­cuss it in more detail after the tour. 

If you have a ques­tion that is not answered here and you would like help in word­ing a response, please email us. Equal­ly if there is a ques­tion that you are always asked, please let us know the ques­tion and how you respond so we can share it with oth­er host farmers.

See ques­tions relat­ed to var­i­ous topics.

Gen­er­al Q&A, Arable, Beef, Dairy, Envi­ron­ment, Pigs, Poul­try, Sheep, Sporting/​hunting

Down­load the dif­fi­cult ques­tions as a PDF

Sup­port­ed by the Crop Pro­tec­tion Association

Dif­fi­cult ques­tion topics:

Gen­er­al Q&A









How to deal with dif­fi­cult questions

How do you com­mu­ni­cate about the weath­er, bad or good?

Sup­port­ed by:

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