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LEAF Speak Out Communications Toolkit

With top tips to help you communicate with the public and be prepared to answer difficult questions.

Shar­ing your farm­ing sto­ry with the pub­lic may seem a lit­tle daunt­ing. Don’t pan­ic. This com­mu­ni­ca­tions toolk­it has some tried and test­ed tips for speak­ing with the pub­lic, and if you are wor­ried about being asked some dif­fi­cult ques­tions, see our guide to sug­gest­ed respons­es.

Every­one loves a good sto­ry, and speak­ing direct with peo­ple is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to share with them what you do, why it’s impor­tant and why you love it, and of course answer their ques­tions. By telling your sto­ry con­fi­dent­ly, stay­ing calm and answer­ing ques­tions hon­est­ly and knowl­edge­ably, vis­i­tors will leave with an under­stand­ing, enthu­si­asm and trust in farm­ing which we are all aim­ing to promote.

Sup­port­ed by the Crop Pro­tec­tion Association

Remem­ber, for many of your vis­i­tors this may be the first time that they have been on a farm. Last year, on Open Farm Sun­day one in five vis­i­tors had nev­er vis­it­ed a farm before. 

The feed­back we get from vis­i­tors is over­whelm­ing­ly pos­i­tive. Peo­ple are gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed to find out about farm­ing and are so grate­ful to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend some time on a farm with their fam­i­ly hav­ing fun whilst learning.

To view all our top tips and dif­fi­cult ques­tions videos, vis­it our You Tube Speak Out Toolk­it playlist.

Sup­port­ed by:

Farming is Magic

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