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LEAF Speak Out: Difficult Questions - Pigs

What hap­pens to the piglets when they grow up? How do you turn them into meat?

Pigs are reared for pork. They are reared for either pork or pork prod­ucts, such as sausages, or bacon. Some are kept as breed­ing sows.

Why do you keep your pigs indoors?

Some pigs are kept out­doors but many larg­er pro­duc­ers will keep them indoors as it makes more eco­nom­ic sense. We can con­trol the qual­i­ty and quan­ti­ty of what they eat in order to meet the require­ments of the retail­ers. They are also not exposed to extremes of cli­mate, as pigs can get sun­burnt. Their muck is fan­tas­tic fer­tilis­er and we can reclaim it eas­i­ly and spread it on our fields to help our crops grow health­ily and nutritionally.

What hap­pens to the piglets when they grow up? How do you turn them into meat? 

Pigs are reared for pork. They are reared for either pork, pork prod­ucts, such as sausages, or bacon. 

Why do you keep pigs in sheds all the time? 

Pigs are sen­si­tive to the cold and wet weath­er, and also the heat, so we keep them shel­tered in a tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled environment. 

Why do your pigs sleep on hard floors? 

The slat­ted floors pigs sleep on mean that we can keep them clean and dry, as well as healthy. The hous­es they are kept in are warm and dry and they are com­fort­able and well cared for. Pig farm­ing also requires us, as farm­ers to keep our costs very low, this is anoth­er way of ensur­ing that we can pro­duce to the prices con­sumers are will­ing to pay. 

Sup­port­ed by the Crop Pro­tec­tion Association

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