LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Rachel & Richard Risdon - Woodrow Barton Farm

Woodrow Barton Farm is a 20-year Farm Business Tenancy, with Richard and Rachel in their 9th year. The farm is 400 acres in a block and was arable and sheep, but has been converted to an all grass spring-calving dairy.

First OFS in 2017 with 60 visitors, promoted in local parish magazine and school newsletter

The farm is locat­ed near Exeter, has the main­line rail­way to Lon­don through it and the Riv­er Exe going through our flood mead­ows. We are a closed herd and so keep all our dairy young­stock, but we sell all oth­er calves.

When we start­ed Open Farm Sun­day in 2017, we chose not to adver­tise the event on the Open Farm Sun­day web­site. Instead, we pro­mot­ed it in the local parish mag­a­zine and school newslet­ter, which led to 60 local vis­i­tors. Since COVID, we have used the free book­ing site (Try­book­ing) which the OFS team rec­om­mend to man­age num­bers as we now lim­it our event to 150 vis­i­tors. We do Open Farm Sun­day each year because we firm­ly believe that peo­ple need to con­nect to where their food comes from and we real­ly enjoy meet­ing vis­i­tors and talk­ing about our farm. 

Our Open Farm Sun­day con­sists of two guid­ed walks look­ing at the graz­ing cat­tle, live­stock, and par­lour to show vis­i­tors the process­es of our dairy farm. After the farm walk we hand out free milk and milk­shake sam­ples. My favourite moment is always when one of our cows comes up to some­one for a stroke or cuddle.

We have changed the event slight­ly over the years by show­ing dif­fer­ent things each time. One year, we had our con­trac­tor come and silage one of the fields in front of the house for peo­ple to watch. We have four peo­ple who work on the farm who all help on the day, our chil­dren, and a cou­ple of friends/​relatives who help hand out the milk sam­ples as we now sell some of our milk direct­ly to consumers.

We have gone through phas­es of wor­ry­ing about pro­test­ers and var­i­ous anti-farm­ing groups, and so far, after six Open Farm Sun­days, we haven’t had any adverse com­ments. In fact it is real­ly reward­ing to get lots of pos­i­tive feedback.

Top Tip: Use the book­ing sys­tem and restrict num­bers to some­thing you can cope with for the first year. Don’t feel like you have to pro­vide a whole day of entertainment.

Keen to take part and host an event this year? Reg­is­ter your event here.

Ques­tions? Con­tact the Open Farm Sun­day team: [email protected] or phone 07912 463151

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