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James Florey - Northmoor Meat, Churchills Farm, West Oxfordshire

James and his wife Fiona farm in Northmoor, just 14 miles from the City Centre of Oxford. The 470-acre enterprise includes 33 Pedigree Ruby Red Devon cattle, 170 Highlander ewes, 140 acres of spring crops, Countryside Stewardship, and the River Thames, which runs through the meadows grazed by the livestock.

Ticketed farm walk for 60 people

Farm­ing for four gen­er­a­tions, the Flo­rey fam­i­ly are strong advo­cates for Open Farm Sun­day (OFS), host­ing their first OFS event near­ly eight years ago. 

We are real­ly proud of the way we look after our ani­mals and feel quite lucky to be respon­si­ble for the upkeep and care of our small area of West Oxford­shire. I know it is often said but we are cus­to­di­ans of the coun­try­side, and we want to share that with peo­ple from both rur­al and urban back­grounds, by giv­ing them the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come and see what we are doing.

As farm­ers, we often feel that infor­ma­tion is mis­com­mu­ni­cat­ed. It is our respon­si­bil­i­ty to bust the myths and share facts that demon­strate how farm­ing is not dam­ag­ing the plan­et. The best way to do this is to invite peo­ple to come and see us, ask their ques­tions and be open to con­ver­sa­tions. Through Open Farm Sun­day, we have wel­comed indi­vid­u­als with all dietary pref­er­ences includ­ing veg­e­tar­i­ans and veg­ans. We don’t shy away from talk­ing about meat, but we do acknowl­edge their choic­es and we don’t change our sto­ry. They have come to see what we do, and we have noth­ing to hide.”

For James, know­ing you are part of an indus­try-wide event is a real draw as well as know­ing you have full con­trol to man­age your own event, so it suits you and your farm­ing setup. 

Last year we wel­comed 60 vis­i­tors to the farm, and our event cen­tered around a farm walk. We met in the yard, and had a barn open as a meet­ing point, where we set up some infor­ma­tion such as the free posters we got from Open Farm Sun­day. We also had some machin­ery on dis­play and a few pet lambs and a calf, so there was some­thing for peo­ple to see when they arrived.

We used a book­ing sys­tem, so we knew who to expect, and we reg­is­tered every­one when they arrived. Our event pro­mo­tion makes it clear the vis­it involves a 2 to 3‑mile walk, and that we will take our time, stop­ping at var­i­ous points so they can ask questions. 

We vis­it­ed the cat­tle and sheep graz­ing, went to see the pollen and nec­tar plots, head­ed down towards the riv­er to see the mead­ows, walked through the arable crops grow­ing and high­light­ed the birds and wildlife on the farm. We find it is the best way to show­case what we are doing, from an envi­ron­men­tal point of view but also food production.”

It is very con­ver­sa­tion­al, and we real­ly make what we already have on farm work for us. We find many of our vis­i­tors think they know a lot about farm­ing, but they go away amazed by how much we do and how we man­age all the dif­fer­ent enter­pris­es with just our small team.”

We are not an open farm park or pub­lic attrac­tion; we don’t try to be some­thing we are not and I think this is real­ly impor­tant. We want to give vis­i­tors a good insight into what we do, in a way they will under­stand. For exam­ple, we invite chil­dren to step into the cat­tle han­dling sys­tem to show them how many peo­ple we need to equal the same weight as one of our cows, which always goes down real­ly well.”

Whilst James and Fiona are now well versed in host­ing Open Farm Sun­day, when they first took part they were slight­ly daunt­ed by the health and safe­ty, how­ev­er, after com­plet­ing the paper­work, they realised it was very manageable. 

Once we got the tem­plate for our risk assess­ment, we find it easy to adapt and tai­lor it each year, depend­ing on what we were offer­ing. We use real­ly good sig­nage and tape-off areas we feel are high risk, like the bale stacks. We also keep every­one togeth­er as one group so they don’t won­der off and stay with our team.

Any wor­ries we did have about host­ing the event, are imme­di­ate­ly out­weighed by the oppor­tu­ni­ty it gives you to com­mu­ni­cate and inter­act with the pub­lic. I think as farm­ers it is very easy to com­plain that con­sumers have no idea what we do or the work that goes into farm­ing, but when there is some­thing like Open Farm Sun­day, that pro­vides farm­ers with lots of free tem­plates and resources, there is no point com­plain­ing if we are not mak­ing the most of what is avail­able to impact change.”

Vis­it www​.farm​sun​day​.org to find out how you can get involved and host your own event. 

James’s top tips for some­one tak­ing part for the first time:

  • Start off small.
  • Have a clear plan of what you want to achieve on the day and what you want to show visitors.
  • Include a few inter­ac­tive activ­i­ties and allow time for peo­ple to ask questions.
  • Don’t over­stretch your­self, work with what you have on the farm.
  • Man­age your num­bers by using the OFS book­ing system.
  • Ask friends and fam­i­ly to help out on the day.
  • Utilise the resources and net­work avail­able through Open Farm Sunday.

Keen to take part and host an event this year? Reg­is­ter your event here.

Ques­tions? Con­tact the Open Farm Sun­day team: [email protected] or phone 07912 463151

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