LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Anne Mair-Chapman - Kypie Farm, Northumberland

Anne Mair-Chapman, along with her family run a tenanted farm in Northumberland with 372 acres of mixed sheep and arable. In the foothills of the Cheviots. Anne comments, “the view are outstanding; it’s such a beautiful part of the country.” Her parents are still in the farmhouse, and as one of three, Anne has stayed on the farm whilst her two brothers pursued different careers off-farm.

Small community focussed event

Anne feels farm­ers should be doing more to change pub­lic per­cep­tion and attitudes.

As a farmer’s daugh­ter, I have a pro­found love for British farm­ing and all that it stands for. Liv­ing and work­ing on our fam­i­ly farm in Northum­ber­land, I’d like to see the pub­lic per­cep­tion towards British agri­cul­ture move in a more pos­i­tive direc­tion, chang­ing atti­tudes and understanding. 

This is why we open the farm to the pub­lic each year for Open Farm Sun­day (OFS). We also run school vis­its on the farm, and it makes me think that we need more farm­ers to be doing this to allow more peo­ple to come out on farm and find out first-hand about what agri­cul­ture means, and what is involved in pro­duc­ing food.”

The first year we opened our gates, we invit­ed the local rug­by club and did a small farm walk. This gave us con­fi­dence to wel­come more peo­ple, and now we run a slight­ly big­ger event, with more on offer.” 

Anne’s advice for any­one tak­ing part in OFS, is to make it fun, remem­ber your audi­ence and make it relat­able. You can get seri­ous mes­sages across but don’t use jar­gon and, equal­ly, don’t dumb it down. Make what you are say­ing and show­ing tan­gi­ble, using exam­ples that build links, such as this pack of diges­tives came from this crop”. Visu­al aids work real­ly well too as they make what you are say­ing stick.”

Open Farm Sun­day is an amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to illus­trate that, far from being a low skilled man­u­al job as some may believe, farm­ing is a dynam­ic and vital indus­try. There aren’t many jobs where you need to be a farmer, vet, agron­o­mist, dri­ver, accoun­tant, engi­neer, math­e­mati­cian, project man­ag­er and midwife!

Of course, everyone’s got some­thing to say. Even if you start with the basics about how the farm came into the fam­i­ly and how it has changed over the years. How­ev­er insignif­i­cant you think it is, it may inspire someone.” 

Keen to take part and host an event this year? Reg­is­ter your event here.

Ques­tions? Con­tact the Open Farm Sun­day team: [email protected] or phone 07912 463151

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