LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Hillhead of Muirton, Roddy and Angela Catto,

A well-known North East dairy farm is throwing open its gates to the public and local schoolchildren as part of the forthcoming Open Farm Sunday celebration. Roddy and Angela Catto, who farm at Hillhead of Muirton, Whitecairns, near Dyce have invited local schoolchildren to visit the farm on Friday 15 June. A day later (Saturday 16 June), the farm invites all members of the public to come along.

Large event - 1000 visitors

A well-known North East dairy farm is throw­ing open its gates to the pub­lic and local school­child­ren as part of the forth­com­ing Open Farm Sun­day celebration.

Rod­dy and Angela Cat­to, who farm at Hill­head of Muir­ton, White­cairns, near Dyce have invit­ed local school­child­ren to vis­it the farm on Fri­day 15 June. A day lat­er (Sat­ur­day 16 June), the farm invites all mem­bers of the pub­lic to come along.

Work­ing with the Roy­al North­ern Coun­try­side Ini­tia­tive, there is a treat in store for all who vis­it. Not only do they get to see a mod­ern dairy farm and the sto­ry of where milk comes from but there are guid­ed farm tours, sheep­dog demon­stra­tions and work­ing farm machin­ery on dis­play. And for ani­mal lovers, there will be cows, calves, sheep, pigs, goats and poul­try. Also avail­able will be a wide selec­tion of local­ly pro­duced foods and, on the Sat­ur­day, cook­ery demon­stra­tions and tastings.

An excit­ed Rod­dy said: We are absolute­ly delight­ed to be wel­com­ing local schools to Hill­head of Muir­ton on Fri­day 15 June and we open to the pub­lic the day after.

We have pulled togeth­er an action-packed, infor­ma­tive and enter­tain­ing event that will have some­thing for every­one. We are keen that peo­ple hear the fan­tas­tic sto­ry we have about the qual­i­ty and prove­nance of local pro­duce and intro­duce them to the vast array of local busi­ness­es who pro­duce food and drink on our doorstep.

We also want the pub­lic, and espe­cial­ly chil­dren, to learn more about poten­tial careers in agri­cul­ture. You don’t need to be a farmer and stuck at the back­end of a cow to have a career in our indus­try. There are many farm­ing relat­ed careers – some less, and some more prac­ti­cal — which are equal­ly as excit­ing and reward­ing for school chil­dren to consider.

Roy­al North­ern Agri­cul­tur­al Ini­tia­tive Man­ag­er Rob Clu­nas, who has helped organ­ise the event said: We are so pleased to be work­ing in part­ner­ship with NFU Scot­land and the Cat­to fam­i­ly, in help­ing pro­mote our agri­cul­tur­al indus­try to school chil­dren, their teach­ers and the pub­lic over these two days. It should be an amaz­ing­ly infor­ma­tive event for every­one involved.” 

Keen to take part and host an event this year? Reg­is­ter your event here.

Ques­tions? Con­tact the Open Farm Sun­day team: [email protected] or phone 07912 463151

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