LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Andy Bason - Newhouse Farm

Newhouse Farm is an 800 hectare farm near Winchester. Completely owned by the Cammack family since 1999. We are a LEAF Demonstration Farm and FC Woodland Ambassador, having 10 ha. of woodland creation and 10 ha. of agroforestry.

Our first Open Farm Sunday at Newhouse Farm was in 2019 when we invited 50 people

Our first Open Farm Sun­day was in 2019, when we invit­ed 50 locals to attend. The event has grown over the years as we have become more con­fi­dent to host more sig­nif­i­cant events, and in 2023, we wel­comed 1500 peo­ple to the farm on Open Farm Sunday.

Host­ing Open Farm Sun­day and oth­er sim­i­lar events is impor­tant to show­case what we, as farm­ers, are doing; it is a great way to show the pub­lic that mak­ing informed choic­es about where their food comes from mat­ters. Now, there is a huge demand for knowl­edge about farm­ing from the pub­lic. We, as farm­ers, owe it to our indus­try to main­tain and fill the cur­rent knowl­edge gap.

My favourite moment is walk­ing around the event and lis­ten­ing to the con­ver­sa­tions and com­ments from the pub­lic, which are near­ly always positive.

Our for­mat for the day is hav­ing sev­er­al stands show­ing the dif­fer­ent aspects of our farm (wood­land man­age­ment, live­stock, arable, clus­ter group). We also offer a 10-minute trac­tor and trail­er ride, which dri­ves around a sec­tion of the farm. This for­mat works for our loca­tion and seems to cater to mul­ti­ple peo­ple. Every year is the same, but it might slight­ly dif­fer through dif­fer­ent attractions. 

When it comes to help and sup­port from peo­ple, we always under­es­ti­mate the num­ber of peo­ple required as we host a BBQ with our own pro­duce and have our own stands. The local young farm­ers sup­port by help­ing to do the car park­ing and local busi­ness­es loan dis­play machinery.

If you have nev­er done an Open Farm Sun­day event before maybe help at anoth­er event first to see how things are run. The Open Farm Sun­day web­site is also a good place to find lots of tips and information.

Top tips: Start small, pos­si­bly invite only a local group or soci­ety. Then let it grow year on year. 

Keen to take part and host an event this year? Reg­is­ter your event here.

Ques­tions? Con­tact the Open Farm Sun­day team: [email protected] or phone 07912 463151

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