LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Invite to breakfast with LEAF Open Farm Sunday

A series of breakfast meetings will be hosted across Britain over the next few weeks by the organisers of the popular flagship on-farm event, LEAF Open Farm Sunday. Between 16th February and 4th April, 10 regional LEAF Open Farm Sunday ambassadors are holding informal meet ups over breakfast to support, inspire and upskill farmers thinking about taking part in the event on 11th June.

The break­fast meet­ings are designed to give farm­ers, whether pre­vi­ous hosts or con­sid­er­ing host­ing for the first time, an insight into what hold­ing an event involves, the easy steps to open­ing your farm and the range of LOFS resources and sup­port avail­able. Plus, it will be a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for every­one to share ideas, get top tips and your ques­tions answered. Top­ics cov­ered will include man­ag­ing vis­i­tor num­bers, cre­ative activ­i­ty ideas and how to ensure vis­i­tors are safe on farm.

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day man­ag­er, Annabel Shack­le­ton said: 

Whether you are curi­ous about what LOFS involves or have host­ed before and want to be inspired by new ideas and approach­es, these break­fast meet­ings are a great way to take the first step to plan­ning your event this year. Come and find out why farm­ers host year after year, hear inspi­ra­tional sto­ries about LOFS expe­ri­ences and ask your burn­ing ques­tions. It’s a fan­tas­tic chance to meet oth­ers and be a part of this com­mu­ni­ty of host farm­ers pas­sion­ate about shar­ing the sto­ry of farm­ing with the pub­lic.”

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day 2023 takes place on Sun­day 11th June 2023. Fol­low­ing reg­is­tra­tion, farm­ers will receive the LOFS Hand­book incor­po­rat­ing over 15 years of expe­ri­ence from the LOFS team, offer­ing you guid­ance on all aspects of host­ing an event to suit you and your farm, help­ing you on your LOFS journey. 

To find out more and book your spot at a local break­fast meet­ing, see https://​farm​sun​day​.org/​o​p​e​n​-​m​y​-​f​a​r​m​/​t​o​p​-​t​i​p​s​-​a​n​d​-​t​r​a​ining and fol­low #LOFS23.

Read the full release here.

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