LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Celebrate the British Countryside

Appreciating the countryside around you can be more fun with activities and information to support you along the way.

If vis­it­ing a farm on Open Farm Sun­day has inspired you to explore the British Coun­try­side, see some of our ideas to make your vis­it enjoy­able whilst respect­ing the land around you. 

Our fam­i­ly friend­ly scav­enger hunt and map stick ideas should keep every­one engaged and hap­py! Take a sea­son­al pic­nic feast with British pro­duce from the super­mar­ket or your local farm shop. Find the time to stop, look, lis­ten and con­nect with nature. Relax and enjoy all the health and well­be­ing ben­e­fits of being outdoors. 

Remem­ber, the coun­try­side is man­aged by farm­ers and the Coun­try­side Code is there for a rea­son: to keep both you, and the land­scape a safe space to enjoy. We’ve list­ed the basics below for you to digest in a user friend­ly format. 

Whether you’re explor­ing foot­paths, bri­dle­ways, byways, nation­al parks or open access land – the coun­try­side code applies to all routes. Respect. Pro­tect. Enjoy!

Respect oth­er people

• Con­sid­er the local com­mu­ni­ty and oth­er peo­ple enjoy­ing the outdoors

• Park care­ful­ly so access to gate­ways and dri­ve­ways is clear

• Leave gates and prop­er­ty as you find them

• Fol­low paths and give way to oth­ers where it’s narrow.

Pro­tect the nat­ur­al environment

• Leave no trace of your vis­it, take all your lit­ter home

• Don’t have BBQs or fires

• Keep dogs under effec­tive control

• Dog poo: bag it and bin it.

Enjoy the outdoors

• Plan ahead; check what facil­i­ties are open; be prepared

• Fol­low advice and local signs.

Down­load the sim­pli­fied ver­sion of the coun­try­side code from Nat­ur­al Eng­land here, or read the full ver­sion on their web­site.

In Scot­land, access leg­is­la­tion is dif­fer­ent to the rest of the UK. The Scot­tish Out­door Access Code gives vis­i­tors the rights to access most land and inland water for a whole range of non-motorised out­door activ­i­ties, as long as you behave respon­si­bly. Learn about the Scot­tish Out­door Access Code and Scot­tish Right of Way & Access Code.

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