LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

OFS Webinars

Take a look at some of these video clips to help you prepare for your Open Farm Sunday event.

NEW Webi­na­rs for 2020:

- Intro­duc­tion to LEAF Open Farm Sun­day
- Man­ag­ing vis­i­tor num­bers — Pro­mot­ing and Tick­et­ing your LOFS event
- Heath and Safe­ty overview — don’t let it over­shad­ow your event!

OFS Bite­size Webinars: 

- First time host farm­ers
- Expe­ri­enced host farm­ers
- Top tips from our team of LOFS Co-ordi­na­tors
The full series of webi­nar recordings

2020 Webi­na­rs:

First time host farmers

Find out how oth­er farm­ers planned host­ing their first Open Farm Sun­day event.

Expe­ri­enced host farmers

Top tips from our LOFS Co-ordinators

Full suite of webi­nar recordings 

Here are the full 20 minute webi­na­rs which took place in 2017. These webi­na­rs incor­po­rate the mini record­ings above plus addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion. We have kept these webi­na­rs online as the con­tent will be use­ful to any­one who is con­sid­er­ing host­ing a Open Farm Sun­day event this year.

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 1 — Overview of Open Farm Sunday

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 2 — Organ­i­sa­tion and Planning

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 3 — First time OFS hosts

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 4 — Publicity

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 5 — Open Farm Sun­day in Scotland

OFS Bite­size webi­nar: Episode 6 — Mak­ing it mem­o­rable: Activ­i­ty ideas

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