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Success for LEAF Online Farm Sunday

On Sunday 7th June, farmers across the country took to social media for the first ever LEAF Online Farm Sunday, with thousands of consumers joining them on virtual tours of their farms, to see and hear directly from the farmers themselves about all they do for the environment and to produce the food we eat.

On Sun­day 7th June, farm­ers across the coun­try took to social media for the first ever LEAF Online Farm Sun­day, with thou­sands of con­sumers join­ing them on vir­tu­al tours of their farms, to see and hear direct­ly from the farm­ers them­selves about all they do for the envi­ron­ment and to pro­duce the food we eat. The day marked the planned date of LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, when hun­dreds of farms should have been open­ing their gates for what would have been the 15th LEAF Open Farm Sun­day. Due to Covid-19 restric­tions, the annu­al cel­e­bra­tion of farm­ing is now sched­uled for Sun­day 20th September.

Against a back­drop of stun­ning British coun­try­side, con­sumers were invit­ed to join farm­ers from Corn­wall to the Isle of Arran and Northamp­ton­shire to Pem­brokeshire broad­cast­ing live on the LEAF Open Farm Sun­day Face­book page – with a new farmer going live each hour from 8am – 8pm. Just as with LEAF Open Farm Sun­day itself, each vir­tu­al tour was dif­fer­ent and every farm had some­thing spe­cial to offer – it was evi­dent that all who took part have an equal pas­sion for farm­ing, car­ing for the envi­ron­ment, and shar­ing their stories.

Over the course of the day, videos on the LEAF Open Farm Sun­day Face­book page were viewed 85k times – equat­ing to 54 days’ worth (or 77k min­utes!) of video viewed. Con­sumers had the chance to inter­act and ask farm­ers ques­tions, just like they can on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day itself, and many were delight­ed to be able to see farms from parts of the coun­try they would not nor­mal­ly be able to visit. 

The hourly tours includ­ed insights into what crops are used for – includ­ing the unex­pect­ed such as wheat being a con­trib­u­tor to intra­venous drips! What and how cows eat, why good soil is vital to all the crops, how many kilo­me­tres of hedgerows farm­ers have plant­ed and why that mat­ters to the wildlife that live there, as well as the chance to hear sky­larks, see what rape­seed looks like after har­vest­ing, and gen­er­al­ly to under­stand what farm­ers mean when they talk about LEAF’s Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment, and so much more besides. All videos are still avail­able to watch on the LEAF Open Farm Face­book page.

Activ­i­ty on LEAF’s Open Farm Sun­day social media plat­forms start­ed with a fort­night of teas­er videos with the farm­ers tak­ing part gen­er­at­ing more than ½ mil­lion impres­sions by the time Online Farm Sun­day had fin­ished. LEAF also encour­aged oth­er farms to get involved with many, includ­ing some long-term Open Farm Sun­day hosts, shar­ing their own videos and imagery to social media dur­ing the day, which now acts as a warm up to the on farm event in September. 

Car­o­line Drum­mond, LEAF Chief Exec­u­tive, said: The lev­el of engage­ment with LEAF Online Farm Sun­day real­ly shows how much the pub­lic care about British farm­ing and the inter­est there con­tin­ues to be with the sto­ry behind our food. The day pro­vid­ed peo­ple with a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it’ farms and parts of the coun­try they have nev­er been to and would not nor­mal­ly get to vis­it on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day and we’re pleased we were able to mark the day with this event. As so many peo­ple have been con­sum­ing infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment online dur­ing lock­down, it was only right that Open Farm Sun­day had an online pres­ence too. 

I’d like to add my huge thanks to all the farm­ers who took part and to all our spon­sors and sup­port­ers who made yes­ter­day pos­si­ble. We are very much hop­ing to be wel­com­ing peo­ple onto farms on the 20th Sep­tem­ber this year, but in the mean­time LEAF Online Farm Sun­day has giv­en thou­sands a fan­tas­tic insight into all that British farm­ers do and have con­tin­ued to do, dur­ing these very chal­leng­ing times.”

The full press release can be found here.

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