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Open Farm Sunday puts farming in the spotlight

Farmers across Britain are celebrating the success of the 18th anniversary Open Farm Sunday (OFS), the industry’s annual open day which took place on Sunday 9th June. Managed by LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) since it began in 2006, the day brought together the whole food and farming industry to put farming centre stage.

Farm­ers across Britain are cel­e­brat­ing the suc­cess of the 18th anniver­sary Open Farm Sun­day (OFS), the industry’s annu­al open day which took place on Sun­day 9th June. Man­aged by LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing) since it began in 2006, the day brought togeth­er the whole food and farm­ing indus­try to put farm­ing cen­tre stage.

Annabel Shack­le­ton, OFS Man­ag­er, express­es her thanks to every­one who opened their gates and opened vis­i­tors’ minds to the incred­i­ble sto­ry behind the jour­ney our food takes from field to fork:

It has been a tru­ly tremen­dous cel­e­bra­tion of the hard work that farming’s Guardians of the Earth do day in day out to farm sus­tain­ably in har­mo­ny with nature. The feed­back we’ve received has been phenomenal.”

More than 225 Open Farm Sun­day events took place on farms of all types and sizes across Britain, from Jer­sey to Shet­land. Wide­spread pro­mo­tion on broad­cast media, includ­ing on BBC Radio 2, and over 40 local and region­al radio sta­tions, high­light­ed the work farm­ers do as Guardians of the Earth and encour­aged vis­i­tors to dis­cov­er the farm­ing sto­ries on their doorstep, as well as show­cas­ing the sec­tor to attract new entrants. 

New research com­mis­sioned by LEAF ahead of Open Farm Sun­day 2024* indi­cates that while most Britons (94%) think the work that farm­ers do is impor­tant, sad­ly only 12% of the nation claim to be well informed about what farm­ers do for the countryside. 

Our sur­vey find­ings demon­strate why an event like Open Farm Sun­day is so impor­tant to our indus­try and in con­tribut­ing to the wider edu­ca­tion of local com­mu­ni­ties,” adds Mrs Shackleton.

Peo­ple have a healthy appetite to learn more about what farm­ers do in terms of land man­age­ment, nature pro­tec­tion, envi­ron­men­tal stew­ard­ship and food pro­duc­tion. The most pow­er­ful voic­es to share their knowl­edge and expe­ri­ences are those of farm­ers them­selves and this year’s OFS activ­i­ties have proved just that.” 

LEAF extends its thanks to all our Open Farm Sun­day prin­ci­pal spon­sors, all the farm­ers, vol­un­teers and wider indus­try con­tacts who helped host events across Britain, as well as the hun­dreds of thou­sands of vis­i­tors who attend­ed. Next year’s Open Farm Sun­day will take place on 8th June 2025.

For the full press release.

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