LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

LOFS Impacts report 2022

LOFS 2022 - what a positive impact!

Just over 5 months ago yards and fields across the UK were filled with chat­ter and laugh­ter as LEAF Open Farm Sun­day returned in full force for anoth­er year! Over 250 farms opened their gates in June, wel­com­ing a huge 175,000 vis­i­tors onto farm!

Once again, a big thank you to all of our host farm­ers who wel­comed the pub­lic onto farm. Feed­back this year from vis­i­tors and farm­ers alike has been phe­nom­e­nal, and we’re thrilled to delve a lit­tle deep­er into the impact you have had on con­sumers across the UK, not only enjoy­ing their day find­ing out more about British food and farm­ing, but inspir­ing con­sumers to make more informed food choic­es, look ahead at poten­tial careers with­in the indus­try and tru­ly appre­ci­ate the work that is going on behind to scenes to pro­duce sus­tain­able food.

Take a look at the full LOFS impact report here!

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