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LEAF Open Farm Sunday will go ahead as planned on 27th June.

Following recent news (14.06.2021) that the full lifting of Coronavirus restrictions is being delayed by four weeks, LEAF Open Farm Sunday organisers confirm that farming’s annual open day will go ahead as planned on 27th June, plus a few farm walks happening on Sunday’s in July. Please see the full statement issued below.

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day (LOFS) will still be going ahead as planned with small­er scale, social­ly dis­tanced farm walks and talks, fol­low­ing local restrictions. 

Out­door events are low risk regard­ing Covid trans­mis­sion. In Eng­land, the cur­rent Covid restric­tions do not impact out­door agri­cul­tur­al and hor­ti­cul­tur­al events where space allows social dis­tanc­ing to be adhered to and atten­dance is lim­it­ed to 4,000 peo­ple (as out­lined in step 2 of the roadmap). In Scot­land there is a tiered sys­tem in oper­a­tion with events capped at 250 peo­ple. In Wales, guid­ed farm tours can take place so long as social dis­tanc­ing can be main­tained. Host farm­ers will be tak­ing all rea­son­able mea­sures to min­imise the risk of expo­sure to and spread of Coro­n­avirus, includ­ing social dis­tanc­ing and lim­it­ing attendance.

Farms open­ing for LOFS will be offer­ing vis­i­tors a vari­ety of on-farm expe­ri­ences from guid­ed walks and farm tours to machin­ery dis­plays and pic­nics on the farm. We will con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor Covid infor­ma­tion from Gov­ern­ments and sup­port both our host farm­ers and vis­i­tors so that every­one has a safe and enjoy­able day. Ulti­mate­ly, we are so pleased that we can bring the pub­lic out onto farms this sum­mer, to find out more about the agri­cul­tur­al indus­try first-hand, enjoy the health and well­be­ing ben­e­fits of being out­doors and to give vis­i­tors a mem­o­rable experience. 

We hope that every­one will take the oppor­tu­ni­ty on 27th June, to cel­e­brate all that British farm­ers deliv­er and enjoy a feast of British food and drink.

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