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LEAF Open Farm Sunday strengthens public trust in British farming

LEAF Open Farm Sunday has long been the industry’s annual open day, welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors on farm every year. This year’s event held last month was no exception, attracting 175,000 visitors, 20% of whom had not visited a farm before and over half (52%) coming from urban areas.

  • 85% vis­i­tors report LOFS had increased their trust in British farming 
  • 79% vis­i­tors learnt some­thing new about British food or farming
  • 72% vis­i­tors said they felt the farm­ing indus­try is adapt­ing to help com­bat cli­mate change 
  • 56% of vis­i­tors report the farm vis­it had pos­i­tive­ly changed their opin­ion of food pro­duc­tion or the farm­ing industry
  • 49% of vis­i­tors said the vis­it had inspired some­one in their group to con­sid­er a career in farming 

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day has long been the industry’s annu­al open day, wel­com­ing hun­dreds of thou­sands of vis­i­tors on farm every year. This year’s event held last month was no excep­tion, attract­ing 175,000 vis­i­tors, 20% of whom had not vis­it­ed a farm before and over half (52%) com­ing from urban areas. 

Vis­i­tor feed­back shows the true impact of LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, with 72% of vis­i­tors report­ing feel­ing pos­i­tive about what the indus­try is doing to help com­bat the cli­mate change cri­sis. In addi­tion around half (49%) vis­i­tors said the vis­it had inspired some­one in their group to con­sid­er a career in farming.

LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing) who have been man­ag­ing Open Farm Sun­day since it began in 2006, sup­port­ed over 250 farm­ers to open their gates from Jer­sey through to the Shet­land Isles for this year’s annu­al event, rais­ing aware­ness about food and farm­ing and offer­ing fun, inter­ac­tive and infor­ma­tive days on farm for fam­i­lies from all walks of life. 

The mes­sages shared by farm­ers res­onat­ed with vis­i­tors this year, with 95% rat­ing events as good’ or excel­lent’, 79% said they learned some­thing new about British food or farm­ing, and a fur­ther 85% report­ed that vis­it­ing a farm on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day had increased their trust in British farming. 

Annabel Shack­le­ton, LEAF Open Farm Sun­day Man­ag­er said: 

We are thrilled with the huge­ly pos­i­tive impact that we have had this year. Farm­ers are being hit hard by labour short­ages and soar­ing costs, and the fact they have still jumped at the chance to show­case British farm­ing is tes­ta­ment to their com­mit­ment and pas­sion when it comes to shar­ing their sto­ry. We’ve once again demon­strat­ed the pow­er of LEAF Open Farm Sun­day in con­nect­ing peo­ple – from both urban and rur­al areas – to where their food comes from, how it is pro­duced and the farm­ers who make it all happen. 

It has been won­der­ful to read com­ments from vis­i­tors who care deeply about how their food is pro­duced and are inter­est­ed in wider issues around sus­tain­abil­i­ty, cli­mate change and ani­mal wel­fare. We’re delight­ed to hear the take home mes­sages this year have been par­tic­u­lar­ly strong sur­round­ing careers and cli­mate change. LEAF Open Farm Sun­day pro­vides a unique chan­nel through which we can all unite to show­case our indus­try, ignite inter­est from the pub­lic and har­ness their sup­port for our indus­try and all it delivers.

Our thanks to all the fan­tas­tic farm­ers who have tak­en part, all their helpers, the thou­sands of vis­i­tors who sup­port­ed them and to our spon­sors for their finan­cial and in-kind sup­port. As we progress our plans for next year’s LEAF Open Farm Sun­day on 11th June 2023, we will con­tin­ue to adapt and respond to input from host farm­ers, spon­sors and stake­hold­ers to ensure its con­tin­ued pos­i­tive impact as Britain’s lead­ing on-farm pub­lic out­reach event.”

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day 2023 will take place on Sun­day 11th June, reg­is­tra­tions are already open for farm­ers want­i­ng to take part: www​.farm​sun​day​.org

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day long-term prin­ci­pal spon­sors are: AHDB, Arla Foods, Asda, BASF, Co-op, Defra, Farm­ers Week­ly, Fron­tier Agri­cul­ture, John Deere, LEAF Mar­que, NFU, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose. 

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, 12th June 2022 in numbers:

  • 251 farms
  • 175,000 vis­i­tors
  • 1 in five vis­i­tors had not vis­it­ed a farm before
  • 52:48 urban:rural split
  • 95% of vis­i­tors rat­ed events as good or excellent

You can read the full press release here.

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