LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Going virtual: Farmers to showcase the industry in LEAF Online Farm Sunday

With farm visits on hold and LEAF Open Farm Sunday postponed to September, the very first LEAF Online Farm Sunday has been announced. On Sunday 7th June, farmers across the UK are being invited to share their world of farming across social media to connect the public with food production and the countryside virtually using #LOFS20.

With farm vis­its on hold and LEAF Open Farm Sun­day post­poned to Sep­tem­ber, the organ­is­ers, Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing, have announced they are run­ning their very first LEAF Online Farm Sun­day. On Sun­day 7th June, farm­ers across the UK are being invit­ed to share their world of farm­ing across social media to con­nect the pub­lic with food pro­duc­tion and the coun­try­side vir­tu­al­ly using #LOFS20.

Man­ag­er of LEAF Open Farm Sun­day (LOFS) Annabel Shack­le­ton said: 

We have such amaz­ing sup­port from across the farm­ing indus­try and the pub­lic for LEAF Open Farm Sun­day and we want­ed to cel­e­brate it and all those who get involved, albeit in a dif­fer­ent way. It is sad that the on-farm events can­not run as usu­al, but this will be a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for even more farm­ers to get involved online. Also, fam­i­lies will be able to get an insight into a whole range of farm­ing enter­pris­es across Britain in one day, in a very acces­si­ble way!

From 8am to 8pm farm­ers from Aberdeen­shire to Jer­sey, and across all farm­ing sec­tors, will be tak­ing over the LOFS Face­book chan­nel and host­ing vir­tu­al tours show­cas­ing what is involved in pro­duc­ing food, enhanc­ing the envi­ron­ment, and some of the amaz­ing sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy involved. This vir­tu­al for­mat allows for live inter­ac­tion and ques­tions from the public. 

We have an amaz­ing fan-base of vis­i­tors who sup­port LEAF Open Farm Sun­day each year who are keen to keep in touch with what’s hap­pen­ing on farms,” said Mrs Shack­le­ton. We would love the farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty across the UK to post short film clips and images through­out the day on their own chan­nels using the hash­tag #LOFS20, and like and share posts to show the fab­u­lous work that they are doing on their farms to keep the nation fed whilst man­ag­ing our beau­ti­ful coun­try­side. This will cre­ate a pow­er­ful, colour­ful kalei­do­scope filled with the per­son­al­i­ties and work of our agri­cul­tur­al indus­try.”

Farm­ing Fortnight

LEAF Education’s two-week long cel­e­bra­tion of farm­ing, Farm­ing Fort­night, runs from 1st-12th June. Top­ic sheets, case stud­ies and videos explore dif­fer­ent farm­ing sec­tors and sup­port home edu­ca­tors with inspir­ing ses­sions around food and farm­ing. Each day of the cam­paign has its own farm­ing theme and accom­pa­ny­ing social media hash­tag – from arable farm­ing #Trac­torTues­day to sheep #Wool­ly­Wednes­day and #Future­Farm­ing.


LEAF Open Farm Sun­day 20th September

The plan is still for LEAF Open Farm Sun­day to take place on the lat­er date of Sun­day 20th Sep­tem­ber. Mrs Shack­le­ton said: 

We are keep­ing a watch­ing brief but we very much hope that farm­ers will be able to open their gates and share their farm with the pub­lic in Sep­tem­ber, even if on a small­er scale. The more farms that do this, the more we can share the cru­cial role farm­ing plays in our soci­ety and econ­o­my. We rec­om­mend that farm­ers who organ­ise an event use the LOFS free tick­et­ing ser­vice so they can man­age num­bers and com­mu­ni­cate any event changes to vis­i­tors.

LEAF Online social media 7th June 2020 


Face­book: @LEAFopenfarmsunday Twit­ter: @OpenFarmSunday

For the full press release, click here.
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