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Feedback Scrapbook 2023!

Take at look at our 2023 Feedback Scrapbook which encapsulates some of the incredible feedback we’ve had from visitors and farmers, demonstrating the positive impact of LEAF Open Farm Sunday, 11th June 2023.

The 2023 Feed­back Scrap­book is packed with vis­i­tor and host farmer feed­back, anec­dotes, mem­o­ries and pho­tographs. It shows the true val­ue of Open Farm Sun­day and the ful­ly immer­sive expe­ri­ence of being able to see, touch, smell, hear and talk farm­ing- face to face with farm­ers, on-farm!

  • 257 host farm­ers opened their gates wel­com­ing 170,900 vis­i­tors
  • 5,500 helpers sup­port­ed events
  • 89% of vis­i­tors said they are encour­aged to buy more British food
  • 88% learnt some­thing new about farming
  • 87% say their trust in British farm­ing has increased
  • 72% feel the farm­ing indus­try is adapt­ing to help com­bat the cli­mate crisis
  • 41% report­ed that the farm vis­it had inspired some­one in their group to con­sid­er a career in farming.

The top 3 rea­sons why farm­ers took part were to: pro­mote a pos­i­tive image of the farm­ing indus­try; improve com­mu­ni­ty rela­tions and to inform the pub­lic about sus­tain­able farm­ing prac­tices.

For vis­i­tors, their main moti­va­tion was a fun fam­i­ly day out, but they came away with increased knowl­edge and respect for British farm­ers and all the indus­try delivers.

We are delight­ed to hear that our 2023 host farm­ers once again have pro­vid­ed a huge­ly edu­ca­tion­al day, whilst enjoy­ing show­cas­ing British farming. 

A huge thank you to all the won­der­ful farm­ers who took part, their enthu­si­as­tic helpers, the thou­sands of vis­i­tors who sup­port­ed them and to all our spon­sors for their finan­cial and in-kind support. 

Recap­ture the mag­ic of LEAF Open Farm Sun­day 2023 and flick through our Feed­back Scrap­book here!

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