LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Fantastic Feedback!

The LOFS team have created a scrapbook full of comments, anecdotes, memories, and feedback from the wonderful LEAF Open Farm Sunday events held across Britain in June. The document gives a lovely insight into the true impact of LOFS.

There’s noth­ing quite like vis­i­tor feed­back to show the true impact of LEAF Open Farm Sunday.

This year, 72% of vis­i­tors report­ed feel­ing pos­i­tive about what the indus­try is doing to help com­bat the cli­mate change cri­sis, and around half (49%) of vis­i­tors said the vis­it had inspired some­one in their group to con­sid­er a career in farming.

The mes­sages shared res­onat­ed with vis­i­tors, with 79% report­ing they learned some­thing new about British food or farm­ing, 95% rat­ed events as good’ or excel­lent’, and 85% stat­ed that vis­it­ing a farm on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day had increased their trust in British farming.

We have espe­cial­ly enjoyed read­ing all the com­ments from vis­i­tors and host farm­ers. Vis­i­tors who care deeply about how their food is pro­duced and are inter­est­ed in wider issues around sus­tain­abil­i­ty and cli­mate change. Farm­ers who once again have thor­ough­ly enjoyed show­cas­ing British farming.

We are delight­ed to share a selec­tion of these com­ments for you to enjoy and rem­i­nisce the won­der­ful LEAF Open Farm Sun­day events held across Britain in June.

Read the scrap­book here!

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