LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Discover why farming and health go hand in hand on LEAF Open Farm Sunday

LEAF Open Farm Sunday returns on 12th June, as hundreds of farms across the country will be opening to the public for farming’s annual open day. Showcasing farming’s commitment to producing nutritious food more sustainably, the focus this year is on health.

The day offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for every­one to vis­it a farm and get a glimpse into how their food is pro­duced and what farm­ers do to man­age the envi­ron­ment. Vis­i­tors can hear from farm­ers about where some of our favourite foods, from bread and cere­als, to milk, meat, fruit and veg­eta­bles come from. Many events will also have inter­ac­tive activ­i­ties con­nect­ed to health on the farm, such as worm counts, pond dip­ping and hunt­ing for mini beasts, along­side the chance to learn how farm­ers man­age a healthy envi­ron­ment for wildlife to thrive, explor­ing field mar­gins, hedges and wood­land too. Just as each farm is unique, so is each LEAF Open Farm Sun­day event – but one thing is for sure: vis­i­tors of all ages are in for a fun and fas­ci­nat­ing day out! 

Annabel Shack­le­ton, LEAF Open Farm Sun­day Man­ag­er, said: Ever won­dered what role worms play in food pro­duc­tion or why they’re impor­tant for healthy soil? Or why farm­ers check water qual­i­ty by look­ing for the pres­ence of inver­te­brates? This year’s LEAF Open Farm Sun­day is your chance to find out the answers, as we explore how farm­ers help pro­duce healthy, nutri­tious food for our health and the health of the plan­et. From soil and water man­age­ment, to crop and live­stock health, a trip to a LEAF Open Farm Sun­day event will help you dis­cov­er more about the sto­ry of your food, and see the industry’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, bio­di­ver­si­ty, food pro­duc­tion and a well-man­aged coun­try­side. We are delight­ed to once again wel­come vis­i­tors to our farms, most of which are not usu­al­ly open to the pub­lic, and show how, when it comes to health, farm­ers real­ly are part of the solution.” 

LEAF Open Farm Sun­day takes place on Sun­day 12th June 2022 — vis­it www​.farm​sun​day​.org for more infor­ma­tion and to find your local par­tic­i­pat­ing farm. Most events are free, but some may require pre-book­ing. Please check the web­site for details. 

Read the full press release here.

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