LEAF Open Farm Sunday Search

Support for Scottish farmers

Open Farm Sunday is a great way for Scottish farmers to showcase the valuable work you do producing nutritious food, managing the countryside and contributing to the national economy.

Open Farm Sun­day in Scotland

Open Farm Sun­day con­tin­ues to grow in Scot­land, devel­op­ing stronger links between farm­ers, small­hold­ers and con­sumers by invit­ing the pub­lic to vis­it a farm on 9th June 2024. In the last few years, more than 90,000 peo­ple have vis­it­ed events in Scot­land, with between 15 and 30 farm­ers open­ing their gates each year. Help us to increase the num­ber and diver­si­ty of farms tak­ing part so we can com­mu­ni­cate our pos­i­tive farm­ing messages.

What is Open Farm Sunday?

Open Farm Sun­day is the indus­tries annu­al open day! It gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell your own farm­ing sto­ry and engage with your local com­mu­ni­ty so they val­ue the work you do to look after the envi­ron­ment, main­tain high wel­fare stan­dards and run a sus­tain­able busi­ness. It was set up in 2006 and con­tin­ues to be man­aged by the lead­ing envi­ron­men­tal char­i­ty LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farming). 

What sup­port is avail­able to me in Scotland? 

All Scot­tish farm­ers are wel­come to take part (you do not need to be a mem­ber of LEAF). It is free to reg­is­ter and all host farm­ers receive lots of sup­port and free resources to help you pro­mote your event and keep vis­i­tors engaged and informed on the day. These include a com­pre­hen­sive host farmer hand­book, packed with tips and guid­ance, a road­side ban­ner, posters, fly­ers, post­cards and lots more! 

Staff in Scotland 

Rebec­ca Dawes is our ded­i­cat­ed Open Farm Sun­day Ambas­sador who is on hand to answer any ques­tions you have about your event. Rebec­ca and her fam­i­ly have tak­en part in Open Farm Sun­day since 2006 and con­tin­ue to open their own mixed live­stock farm in Kin­ross, Scot­land. She also works for Jane Craigie Mar­ket­ing who work close­ly with the team at LEAF

What do I have to do on the day? 

The kind of event you want to run and the num­ber of vis­i­tors you want to invite is entire­ly up to you. Whether it is a farm walk for friends and neigh­bours or a large open day, every event mat­ters. What you do every day on your farm will be new and excit­ing to your vis­i­tors, so you do not need to put on lots of extra activ­i­ties. You could show vis­i­tors how you check live­stock, milk your cows or walk your crops. 

Inter­est­ed, but not ready to reg­is­ter yet? 

If you’re keen to host a Open Farm Sun­day event, but you’re not ready to reg­is­ter yet, why not con­tact your local OFS Ambas­sador; Rebec­ca Dawes, on 07792 467730 or ofsrc.​scotland@​gmail.​com who will arrange a time to speak to you on the phone. 

Take part…

When you’re ready, please reg­is­ter your event here.

The essen­tials

As a Open Farm Sun­day host farmer, we ask you to: 

  • Show­case to vis­i­tors good farm­ing prac­tices, how farm­ing impacts on our lives and how you man­age our nat­ur­al resources
  • Inform your insur­ance com­pa­ny that you are open­ing on Open Farm Sun­day and have a min­i­mum of £5 mil­lion pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance cover 
  • Com­plete a risk assess­ment before the event (LEAF pro­vides a tem­plate) and ensure health and safe­ty arrange­ments will be in place on the day
  • Pro­vide ade­quate hand wash­ing facil­i­ties espe­cial­ly if you have live­stock or will be serv­ing food

Sup­port­ers in Scotland 

We are very grate­ful to the fol­low­ing Scot­tish organ­i­sa­tions who have sup­port­ed Open Farm Sun­day. As we grow in Scot­land we are always pleased to work with more sup­port­ers so we can increase the num­ber of peo­ple we can engage with about farm­ing, help­ing the indus­try as a whole. If you would like to get involved please con­tact Annabel Shack­le­ton, Open Farm Sun­day Manager. 

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